jueves, 24 de enero de 2013


Hi again!!! Here I am, one more time, to tell you about my adventures around the wordl!! hehehe, well, that isn't true at the moment... I am still in Granada, but I have something between hands to leave Spain soon..... at least I have hopes for this to happen... because I want to continue improving my English, travelling, discovering new cities, meeting new people... and of course to tell you everything!!!

Well, I really hope you enjoy reading the blog. I really love writing for you all, because that allows me to improve my "writing skill" a little, but the most important is that the blog also allows me to keep contact with my friends and relatives who are far away from me.

And today, I want to show them and you, one of my  hobbies, pictures of graffiti!! I like the drawings on te wall, for me it's art, and when I am walking some streets, and I see a graffiti, I take my time for taking a photograph. I have nearly to 1000 pictures of graffiti of all cities that I have visited!! Now, I want to show you, some of my favourites. Enjoy the art through my eyes!!!!

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